Monday, June 6, 2011

Tis the Season of Color

Well too much time has passed since my last post, so there is a lot to catch you up on.  Spring has arrived and the flowers are blooming with a vibrant rainbow of colors everywhere.  But the flowers aren't all that is blossoming.  The Taterbug has also been busy growing and blossoming into a wonderful and dare I say funny little big girl. 

The warmer days have been waking up the foliage in the yard and making it more enjoyable to spend longer amounts of time outside.  This welcomed time outside is allowing Tater to discover all the fun to be had from riding her trike to drawing without paper.  And man let me tell you that Maddie has definitely found her artistic side over the past few months.  Of course, as with any two year old, her favorite medium is the one that causes the biggest mess -- paint.  But luckily (for me) she thinks that paint is anything that is applied with a brush to include water.  However her favorite outdoor paint is pudding!  I'm sure pictures will be coming soon of these adventures.  Too funny!                                        Finding a new creative outlet isn't the only thing we discovered this spring.  There was this curious little bunny that apparently put all of his eggs in one basket - and then lost them!  One of our favorite local nursery and strawberry farms needed help in picking up all of the eggs the bunny dropped as he traveled through their field.  Of course, Tater was more than willing to assist them in the clean up. 
Unfortunately, there were a lot of other kiddos who had heard of the bunnies travels and many of them were much more experienced at collecting the eggs.  But they didn't find the super special shiny egg that was filled with Tootsie Rolls did they?  Nope, because it was neatly tucked away in Tater's basket.  Ha!  Goes to show ya that youth beats experience.  Oh wait...what does that mean for me?

Well it means that I have to teach Tater how us old folks celebrated the coming of spring by dying eggs.  How fun this was!  I don't think I have done this since I was 12 years old and man did I forget how much fun it was and how much it's STINKY!  But the vinegar didnt slow down this little picasso.  Oh no, we did a full dozen eggs each with precision focus.  I'm pleased to say that only the eggs were dyed this day. 

But the fun didn't end there because low and behold, what did we find?  That crazy rabbit traveled through our yard too!  Perhaps it was all of the colorful artwork that attracted him. 

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