Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's been a great year Chuck.

From Peanuts and the gang:

Peppermint Patty: It's been a great year, Chuck. You'll have to admit that. What you do think, Chuck, would be good rules for living in the New Year?

Charlie Brown: Keep the ball low, don’t leave your crayons in the sun, use dental floss every day, don’t spill the shoe polish, always knock before entering, don’t let the ants get in the sugar, never volunteer to be a program chairman, always get your first serve in, and feed your dog whenever he’s hungry.

Peppermint Patty: Will those rules give me a better life, Chuck?

Charlie Brown: The better life and a fat dog.

Can you believe it?  A new year is breaking the horizon and with it comes many opportunites for change, personally and professionally for our family.  However, these opportunities will also bring much uncertainty so it's always important to remember the rules, especially about the crayons as we move forward.

In order to know where you're going, you must know where you've been.  Here's a quick peek at the last year:







Well, there it is.  Another year.  Can't hardly believe it's now 2011!  As we begin the New Year, I want to add to Chuck's rules of:
  •  keep the ball low
  • don’t leave your crayons in the sun
  • use dental floss every day
  • don’t spill the shoe polish
  • always knock before entering
  • don’t let the ants get in the sugar
  • never volunteer to be a program chairman
  • always get your first serve in
  • feed your dog whenever he’s hungry and
  • remember to sing and dance, even if you're the only one in the room!

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